END-NOTES for 'The King James Only Debate: Can you Trust the Modern Scholars'?
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This author mas made every attempt to note all sources, but due to the extensive content and some quotes known by memory, we leave the title as 'open source' for readers (and critics) to contact us for any source content corrections that may need to be made.
Source material may or may not reflect the beliefs of Write the Vision Ministries! The source material provided does not mean we believe all of what each source believes and/or of all their writings. Our beliefs are here at https://kjvdebate.com/beliefs-1
1. II Timothy 4:14; I Timothy 1:20; II Timothy 2:17 (KJV).
1a. [Intro] I John 5:7 debate challenge to scholars on the originality of the Comma in the TR/KJV
1b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PSV72Tjy8g&t=1s
1c. Phillip Schaff: The Ecumenical Enigma
2. Westcott & Hort: Translator's Beliefs (jesusisprecious.org) See also Westcott & Hort: their heresies and occult activities (sociedadrvg.com)
3. Burgon, “The Revision Revised: A Refutation of Westcott and Hort’s False Greek Text and Theory” (1883); (p. XV).
4. https://store.kjv1611.org/the-scholarship-only-controversy/
5.https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/how-many-people-speak-hebrew; and https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/how-many-people-speak-greek
6. https://www.str.org/w/remember-that-first-century-mark-fragment-
6a. https://www.amazon.com/Ecclesiastical-Text-Criticism-Biblical-Authority/dp/0996748296 (p. 247).
7. Pinto’s ‘Bridge to Babylon’ series. https://www.amazon.com/Bridge-Babylon-Rome-Ecumenism-Bible/dp/B01LQ9WA2O/
8. https://ehrmanblog.org/finally-now-we-know-the-first-century-copy-of-mark/
9. Wallace’s reconstruction of Mark 8:22 https://danielbwallace.com/2020/09/01/new-discoveries-on-every-page-p45-p46-p47/
10. Dr. White vs. Dr. Riddle on the debate over the reading in Eph 3:9 Oct 3, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q05oQTiTfe4
10a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxf_EhjZd5Y
10b. See pages 330-332; 415.
10c. https://brandplucked.webs.com/theesv.htm
11. ‘Is the World’s Oldest Bible a fake’? David Daniels: Sept 15, 2020, Chick Publications. https://www.amazon.com/Worlds-Oldest-Bible-Fake/dp/075891170X
12. Steven Avery has documentation regarding this controversy. Steven Avery | Pure Bible Forum
13. ibid., p. 18. Endnote #10 above.
15. L. Vance: ‘King James, His Bible, and it’s Translators’ (2016, pp.261-269). The KJVO movement started with King James in 1611 and has been around for centuries! the-word-god-will-keep-it-by-joey-faust.pdf (wordpress.com)
16. Texe Marrs interviewing Dr. Ruckman at the 35:00 mark; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rt9p_EqF3k
16a. https://www.amazon.com/Ecclesiastical-Text-Criticism-Biblical-Authority/dp/0996748296 (Letis comments on Dr. White).
17. [PART 1] I John 5:7 debate challenge to scholars on the originality of the J.C. in the TR/KJV
Chapter One: "The King James Advantage"
1. During my two years at Bible College in 84-85, the KJV Bible was demoted in favor of all the modern versions.
2. Muslim’s propping up Dr. James White’s own arguments can be seen here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYkPn2aXKds See also BART D EHRMAN EXPERT OF THE NEW TESTAMENT - YouTube
3. This is where it is all heading, and modern versions are a big part of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PSV72Tjy8g
3a. https://youtu.be/ehnEZtqj2Mo?t=1309
3b. The TCC and Psalm 12:6-7 – StandardSacredText.com
4. Kautzsch, E. Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar 2ndEd. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p.440 1909-1910. Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar
4a. Knowing in your heart the truth about the KJV Bible is not a textual issue but rather a spiritual issue of which faith and discernment is the primary ingredient. One must ask an honest question here. When you hear the scholars and the critics say that 'no translation can be perfect, for only the originals are faithful,' we must ask of whom did they hear this from, God or man?
4b. Theodore P. Letis: Lecture on the English Standard Version
5. I was unable to find the specific dividing line episode on YouTube with this statement.
6. https://youtu.be/00BhJeUGmvw?t=4953
Chapter Two: "Missing Verses and Words"
1. Whenever you hear a scholar or a Bible critic say, “I want to know what the Apostles wrote,” it is because they do not believe that there is any perfect Bible in the world today that says exactly ‘what the Apostles wrote.’ KJV believers by faith know exactly ‘what the Apostles wrote’ (Rom 15:4).
1a. When Did Moses Write, or Compile, the Book of Genesis? (blueletterbible.org)
1b. Darwin's 'On the Origin of Species' was published on Nov 24th, 1859, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Origin_of_Species within the same time Tischendorf was shown Codex Sinaiticus on a 3rd visit to Saint Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai Peninsula. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codex_Sinaiticus
2. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codex_Bezae Most scholars are aware of the difference between Jerome's Latin Vulgate in 382 AD and the Old Latin and Italic of 157 AD but rarely mention it.
3. https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/view/MS-NN-00002-00041/1
4. Isaiah 30:20-21.
5. https://www.laparola.net/greco/index.php
6. https://answersingenesis.org/church/already-gone/
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIC3RjQVQro
7a. If His name was Yeshua, why do we call Him Jesus?
8. https://www.christianpost.com/news/father-and-son-removed-from-bible-translations-for-muslims.html
8a. https://uasvbible.org/2022/01/18/why-do-we-not-need-the-original-bible-manuscripts/
9. B.B. Warfield Essays (p.2072).
Chapter Three: "Attacks on Doctrine"
a. Unitarian George Vance Smith
b. Texts and Margins of the RSV affecting theological doctrine, 1881
1. Jesus said “Ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matt 7:15-20) KJV. Any man or ministry must produce the good fruits of faith and belief in the Word of God rather than doubts, questions, and unbelief (Heb 11:1-7; I Tim 1:4).
2. Nick Sayers video teaching at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knrI2UvOlHI
2a. (2) Can The End Of Mark's Gospel Be Trusted? - YouTube
2b. Some sources found at Early Evidence for Mark 16:9-20 – Truediscipleship
3. Dr. Edward Hills at https://confessionalbibliology.com/2016/04/01/defense-of-the-pericope-by-dr-edward-freer-hills/
4. https://banneroftruth.org/us/store/theauthor/alexander-j-a/ Scholar, Dr. J. A. Alexander (1809 – 1860), on Acts (2 vols. Acts 8:37-38 pp.349-350).
4a. Is the World's Oldest Bible a Fake?: Daniels, David W.: 9780758911704: Amazon.com: Books
4b. Read the New Revised Standard w/ Apocrypha Free Online (biblestudytools.com)
5. The originals came from Antioch and the cities of which the Paul traveled, not in Egypt. "And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch" (Acts 11:26).
5a. I John 5:7 debate challenge to scholars on the originality of the Comma in the TR/KJV
6a. Reconsidering the relationship between the Complutensian Polyglot & Erasmus
6b. 1 John 5:7, the 1514 Complutension Polyglot, and its Detractors – Standard Sacred Text.com
6c. Does 1 John 5:7 belong in the Bible?
6e. Cardinal Ximenes with an account of the Complutensian polyglot
6f. Doukas and the N.T. Text of the Polyglot
7. Should 1 John 5:7 be in the Bible? Ankerberg interview with Dr. Wallace.
8. Is 1 John 5:7 as it is worded in the KJV correct? - Follow In Truth (Jeffery Khoo, Kept Pure in All Ages, 2001, p.88).
9. Critic Elijah Hixon's' webpage for 01/20. Click 'older posts' at bottom of page for the 01/7/20 blog. ETC Jan2020
9a. Desiderius Erasmus | Catholic Answers
11. https://www.tertullian.org/fathers/jerome_preface_gospels.htm
12. https://media.sabda.org/alkitab-8/LIBRARY/WLK_ABVI.PDF p.26
13. Jacobus, Catholic and Protestant Bibles Compared, p. 200, Note 15.
14. https://textusreceptusbibles.com/Editorial/Umlauts
14a. Vatican City: Biblioteca Vaticana, Cod. Vat. Gr. 1209. See also Vaticanus_Umlauts (biblical-data.org)
14b. Evangelical Textual Criticism: Snapp on the Distigmai in Vaticanus with my rebuttal at Scholars fear those dots in Vaticanus (kjvdebate.com)
14c. The Text of the Gospels: Search results for umlauts
14d. Evangelical Textual Criticism: Snapp on the Distigmai in Vaticanus
14e. https://archive.org/details/a601052600nolauoft/page/n603/mode/2up
14f. Codex Vaticanus: Is It Oldest and Best? | For decades, the book of the Vatican has been touted as the one of the oldest and best manuscripts of the New Testament. But is it? By King James Bible Research Council, Inc. No login required just click X
15. https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/050701.htm Cyprian clearly said “AGAIN it is written” as he quoted verbatim the Comma. Source: Translated by Robert Ernest Wallis. From Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 5.
16. Boyce is a follower of White. Although these men may be well intentioned, we recommend Bible believers avoid those whose teachings cast doubts on the infallibility of the word of God in our day (Rom 16:17).
16a. See over 1500 years of witnesses and testimony to I John 5:7 in the KJV. https://www.academia.edu/81925237/The_Witness_of_God_is_Greater_by_Mike_Ferrando_June_2022
17. https://www.amazon.com/inquiry-into-integrity-Greek-Vulgate/dp/1175340154
18. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/575374.Victor_of_Vita
19. Evidence of the Divine Hand on True Scripture: Bednar, Dr. L:
19a. http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/apocjn.html
19b. SACRA SCRIPTA 1_2012
19c. The 1904 Historic Greek Orthodox Text has I John 5:7
20. https://www.amazon.com/Plea-Authenticity-Three-Heavenly-Witnesses/dp/046937246X
20a. https://youtu.be/1H7SefqUJFE?si=1pbQvxVhhP099THQ&t=1833
21. The readings of the modern versions are so absurd that even Dr. White, who is certainly no friend of the KJV, once said that "there is much to be said in defense of the KJV rendering," and that he "prefer[s] this reading and feel[s] that it has more than sufficient support among the Greek manuscripts.”
22. Daniel 3:25—“the Son of God,” or “a son of the gods”?
Chapter Four: "Answering the Critics"
1. https://www.youtube.com/user/CAnswersTV/featured
1a. Center for New Testament Restoration (greekcntr.org)
2. https://w3techs.com/technologies/history_overview/content_language/ms/y (English has continued to climb since this chart was created)
3. https://www.languagecomparison.com/en/how-many-people-speak-greek-and-hebrew/comparison-20-35-7 (13 million Greek speakers and 9 million Hebrew speakers as of June 2022)
4. Although I do not agree with this authors views on the Cambridge vs. Oxford fallacy, a total list of spelling updates is available here: https://www.bibleprotector.com/400yearsKJBeditions.pdf
4b. 1611 KJV Marginal Notes = Modern Version Textual Footnotes? James White Thomas Ross Debate
4c. The King James Version Defended: Edward Hills
5. Acts 12:4 controversy: https://youtu.be/R_rtLmClXmg
6. Snapp fails to mention that Beza corrected the reading to 'her.' https://www.thetextofthegospels.com/2022/04/luke-222-his-or-their.html See also Luke 2:22 "her" purification or "their" purification? Reformation text versus the modern Vatican Versions.
6a. A translation of the four Gospels from the Syriac of the Sinaitic palimpsest: by Agness Smith Lewis
7. Boyce in his debate with Riddle on May 19, 2020, or with Josh Gibbs or Jonathan Shefield. This may be the actual video here at https://youtu.be/-RkxlW9cP0U?t=1975 Contact Dr. Boyce for the exact location.
7a. Being that scholars and Bible critics do not believe they have a perfect Bible in our day, they don’t want us KJV believers to have one either. Not only were the KJV translators honest in placing the words in italics (unlike many modern versions), but they were given the understanding, knowledge, wisdom, and direction in translating the Hebrew and Greek meanings into a readable English format, for “there is a spirt in man, and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding” (Job 32:8). The fact is that a number of Old Testament Italicized words are quoted in The New Testament without the Italics. This means the italicized Old Testament word that was not in the Hebrew (at least not in any existing known Hebrew manuscripts) is later quoted by the Apostles or even Christ Himself of which that same word is in the Greek without italics. This demonstrates the confidence that God places in the Italicized words. Many OT quotes in the New Testament are in the Greek and not italicized when referencing a Hebrew word that is italicized, therefore, it has been there all along and is God's Word, for "every Word of God is pure" (Pro 30:5).
7b. https://youtu.be/pa05VEeM1Bw?si=-FhaiisP8UbTRO_U&t=376
8. A brief review of her book: https://youtu.be/g3eXVIa5lLk
9.You will not find any mention of Vatican authority in authoring the modern versions in the NA28, but it is located in the NA27 on p.45 seen here https://brandplucked.webs.com/theesv.htm and then search the NA28 below.... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U3IUZsIuklf7UnkxUcUmKiN_OytGI2HU/view
10. Footnote 9 on page xv: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/36722/36722-h/36722-h.html
11. https://textusreceptusbibles.com/Based_on_Few_Manuscripts as an introduction. Erika Rummel’s 1986 book Erasmus' Annotations on the New Testament records the following on pages 41-42, "Clearly Erasmus consulted a respectable number of Greek manuscripts over the years. Moreover, Erasmus did not rest content with these findings but, in the years following the publication of his first edition, personally visited a number of libraries, obtained manuscripts on loan, consulted the Aldine and Complutensian editions, and had variants recorded for him by his friends. The copious additions to the Annotations bear witness to his continued research." Claiming Erasmus only had a few manuscripts is a fallacy by the scholars.
11a. Dead Sea Scrolls - academic session
11b. J.D. Michaelis (1717-1791), "Introduction to the New Testament" (p. 261).
12. More on the last 6 verses of Rev: http://textus-receptus.com/wiki/Revelation_22:16-21 and https://textusreceptusbibles.com/Revelation_Textus_Receptus and https://www.thetextofthegospels.com/2019/02/erasmus-manuscript-of-revelation.html
12a. meanest translation?
13. LXX info: https://brandplucked.webs.com/nolxx.htm
14. https://www.ccel.org/bible/kjv/preface/pref10.htm
14a. James White & Thomas Ross Debate Review #4: KJV Translators to the Reader & Perfect Preservation
14b. Why Are Unicorns In The Bible? The King James Bible uses the word Unicorn several times. Isn't that a mythical creature? Should the translators have used a different word instead? Login not required just hit X
15. Westcott & Hort: their heresies and occult activities (sociedadrvg.com)
See also Wescott and Horts Occult Connections - Dr. Phil Stringer - YouTube
16. Scholars fear those dots in Vaticanus (kjvdebate.com)
17. Rebuttal to James Snapp's shorter ending theory at Matthew 25:13! - YouTube
Chapter Five: "Inspiration and Preservation"
1. White is unable to name any verse that is beyond potential future changes of modern textual criticism in his debate with Dr. Riddle on Oct 3, 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q05oQTiTfe4&t=3900s
2. Since the initial publication of this book in 2018, Dr. White has converted to post-millennialism. He shares his reasoning here: https://www.aomin.org/aoblog/exegesis/max-lucados-apology-for-having-spoken-the-truth-ravi-zacharias-scandal-and-yes-mildred-hes-a-postmillennialist/ at the 1:13:15 mark and following.
3. Codex Vaticanus has as a filler manuscript (GA 1957 from ~15th century: https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Vat.gr.1209 beginning on page 1519) for the rest of Hebrews and all of Revelation. But nevertheless, it still claims to be a 4th century manuscript of which does not contain the book of Revelation among other missing books. Look here http://www.1611kingjamesbible.com/codex_vaticanus.html/
4. https://www.stepbible.org/?q=reference=1john.5|version=VarApp&options=GNHVU
5. https://youtu.be/dZgUnuBCh3E
6. John 6:15 information: https://www.stepbible.org/?q=reference=john.6|version=VarApp&options=GNHVU and https://archive.org/details/novumtestamentu01greggoog/page/n840/mode/2up?view=theater
7. https://youtu.be/tbJ33bxBnWA
8. Confessional Bibliology Roundtable: John 1:18 – Son or God? - Text and Translation
8a. The history of the (KJV) Holy Bible is unsurpassably pre-eminent!
9. https://www.aomin.org/aoblog/king-james-onlyism/vaccines-lindsay-kjv-onlyism-roman-catholic-apologetics-arguments/ beginning at 15:00
10. The Byzantine Text-type and New Testament Textual Criticism (1984) by Harry A. Sturz. https://www.amazon.com/Byzantine-Text-Type-Testament-Textual-Criticism/dp/1631998064
The whole key to understanding N.T. textual criticism is not primarily comparing manuscripts, but simple history, geography, and weather. It really only requires understanding some historical and geographic issues and being able to look at maps. (Glenn J. Kerr: “Out of Egypt Have I Called My Son:” Why Evangelicals Should Get Over Their Preoccupation with Egyptian Manuscripts at https://www.baptistboard.com/data/attachment-files/2017/06/2802_12fba0f700b37a34abaf3f523cdf8469.pdf?fbclid=IwAR27xAqfzoKqKu1A-PuzhiySeouT9WoMyNDP1VcC0CQsvCnRC11t9bIyMuM
11. Original quotes on pages 21-22 from this: https://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/gtj/12-1_021.pdf . An analysis of Dr. Wallace’s view is found here:
11a. In 1400 A.D., the world's population was only about 350 million souls compared to 8 billion today, and the printing press was invented in 1440. These are several things to consider among many other factors when we ask ourselves, why God would wait until 1611-1769 for a perfect Bible (in book form, not in scattered manuscripts) to come out? Why did God wait 4000 years to send Jesus Christ? God's plans and divine dealings with mankind is not something we can always understand. I like Taylor DeSoto’s characterization of their position, “they don’t have a perfect Bible, so we can’t have one either.” Atlas of world population history: McEvedy, Colin; Jones, Richard: 9780713910315: Amazon.com: Books
12. KJV critics have a hard time understanding the difference between the original inspiration given to the Apostles to author scripture, and the understanding, wisdom, and knowledge given to the KJV translators to translate it. Even as Bezaleel, as the Lord “filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship” to work on the Lord’s tabernacle (Exodus 31:1-18). The Spirit of God still works through men as with Bezaleel in 1491 BC, the KJV translators in 1604-1611, and up to our own day in the year 2022.
13. In a recent conversation online with KJV critic Nathan Cravatt, the critical argument was made that " It is impossible to have an exact word for word translation from one language to another. The KJV isn’t even close, nor did they pretend to even try. The original languages are the only possible way for true preservation to happen. God has preserved every single word." My response was, "This begs a question here. From whom did you hear that, from God or man? If God has preserved every word as you said, where are they or where can I go buy a copy"? My question was never answered, and any further discourse was deleted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxgiW2WLxwo&lc=Ugxd_S8JG0C2Din9bKF4AaABAg.9YEIPzzESln9d15lxFutDd
14. The Waldenses and the Bible - Historicist.info
15. Boyer was commissioned by King William III of England to write an official history of the Vaudois for his majesty.
16. Peter Boyer, 'The History of the Vaudois' (London: Three Bibles in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1692), p. 6.
16a. David H. Sorenson, 'Touch Not the Unclean Thing' (2001, pp. 256-261).
17. Ibid., p. 259
18. J.A. Wylie, 'History of the Waldenses' (London: Cassell & Co., 1860) chapter 10, p. 107.
19. Leger, 'Histoire de Piemont des Eglises Evangeliques' p. 164, 167
20. Frederick Henry Scrivener, 'The New Testament in Greek: According to the Text Followed in the Authorized Version Together with the Variations Adopted in the Revised Version' (London: Cambridge University Press, 1881), vii.
21. David Otis Fuller, 'Which Bible'?, (Grand Rapids Publications, 1970)
21b. Pope to Waldensian Church: Forgive us! - YouTube
22. Waldensian History (waldensiantrailoffaith.org)
23. How the Catholic Church Consolidated Power (Claudius of Turin, Part 1) - YouTube
23a. “Sunt in quibus nostra Vulgata magis probatur editio, aut Ambrosiana lectio, quam Graeci Codices. Et tamen consentientibus omnibus Graecis exemplaribus, quoniam illa mutare non licuit Latina accomodavimus, ne non responderent, quum in hoc ipsum adderentur” (Nov. Test. Praef, Basil: Froeben, 1546, p. xi ).
23aa. Scrivener (A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament, 2d ed. 1874), 2:43
23b. McClintock and Strong, Encyclopedia, s.v. "Waldenses"
23c. Frederick von Nolan - Textus Receptus (textus-receptus.com)
23d. https://archive.org/details/a601052600nolauoft/page/n19/mode/2up
23e. David H. Sorenson, 'Touch Not the Unclean Thing' (2001, p. 38).
23f. Westcott and Hort, Introduction to the New Testament, p. 143. See also Hills, The King James Version Defended, p. 172.
23g. Bruce M. Metzger, The Early Versions Of The New Testament. Their Origin, Transmission, And Limitations : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Metzger, Early Versions, p. 291
23i. ibid, p. 144
23j. ibid, p. 145
24. Bible Translation Discussion | Will Kinney and Dr. Stephen Boyce - King James Only? - YouTube
25a. The text of the New Testament : an introduction to the critical editions and to the theory and practice of modern textual criticism : Aland, Kurt : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive p. 59 (see 25a also below).
26. Never Return to Egypt | My Jewish Learning
27. CHURCH FATHERS: The Perpetual Virginity of Mary (Jerome)
28. I John 5:7 and the 1st Century Latin/Spain Connection!
Chapter Six: "The 'Originals only' Heresy"
1. https://uasvbible.org/2022/01/18/why-do-we-not-need-the-original-bible-manuscripts/
2. https://thekingsbible.com/Bible/23/34 The KJV translators were well aware of a "Rhinoceros" being a one horned 'UNICORNIS' in 1611!
2a. One KJV critic said 'What we have is the best guess of a lost generation. Nothing prevents us from doing far better.' I said, 'What a sad and hopeless message to send out to a lost world by telling them God sends us His 'best guesses'." God does not send out 'guesses'! He sends out certainly and assurances regarding His Holy Word.' I Thess 2:13 (KJV). God says He wants us to KNOW, "That I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth" (Pro 22:21) KJV. Marginal notes are not inspired and are not always correct, but the final text of the KJV is both 100% correct and inspired, for it contains the Scriptures promised by God to be preserved for us in this generation in our time (Psa 12:6-7; II Tim 3:16) KJV. Faith, discernment, and God's Spirit reveals this.
3. https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/050701.htm
4. https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/050672.htm
5. https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0128.htm
6. Although the majority position of the early church was some form of literal chiliasm, Justin Martyr in his dialogue with Trypho (1.80) says, “I admitted to you formerly, that I and many others are of this opinion, and [believe] that such will take place, as you assuredly are aware; but, on the other hand, I signified to you that many who belong to the pure and pious faith, and are true Christians, think otherwise.” https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/01286.htm
8. Theological Propaedeutic; Philip Schaff 1893; p.394
Chapter Seven: "Modern Versions and Bible Prophecy"
a. The LXX Septuagint Fallacy is one of the biggest scams to ever be poured out upon Christendom. The Septuagint Fallacy: An Indictment of Modern Criticism (Classic Reprint): Phillips, W. I.: 9781332240586: Amazon.com: Books
1. Such a perspective is iterated more fully here: https://www.lesfeldickbiblestudy.com/501-the-day-christ-vs-the-day-of-the-lord/
2. The Greek New Testament According To Family 35, Wilbur N. Pickering
2a. More information on this variant available here: https://archive.org/details/novumtestamentu02abbogoog/page/n799/mode/2up?view=theater
3. CHURCH FATHERS: Against Heresies, III.10 (St. Irenaeus) (newadvent.org)
4. In my view, no matter how it is explained away, the NIV is still in error in Zechariah 6:6. West means to the West, and North is to the North.
5. Discussions and explanations amongst some commentators can be seen here: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/ezekiel/39-2.htm . One may claim that the issue is primarily with interpretation/translation, not text, but nevertheless, the omission is still there, and a major prophetic prediction is missing from Ezekiel 39:2 in the modern versions.
6. Herman Hoskier says that the Harklean Syriac (c. 616 AD) contains “of them which are saved.” https://archive.org/details/Hoskier-ConcerningTheTextOfTheApokalypse/page/610/mode/2up . This reading is also found in the commentary of Andreas of Caesarea (c. 611 AD). It is also the reading of manuscripts 2917, 2814, 2186, 254, 2028, 2029, and 2044 (links all within here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1svgs1sat-DMu-mV1ZqEUnmZgkgg7loEoKfYejWDnUIM/edit?usp=sharing)
Chapter Eight: "Modern Versions and Poetry"
a. The NKJV is considered a 'gateway drug' with subtle attempts to introduce the reader to the critical science and lead them into the 'harder stuff' of modern critical versions. Lang146,147,148,149-151.PDF (avpublications.com)
b. Scholars will often claim that the differences in the modern texts and the KJV is only less than 1% or so which is very dishonest. Modern versions have thousands of missing words that are found in the KJV. The NIV version alone has 55,168 less words than the King James Bible and many major doctrines are attacked in all the critical versions by omissions of Holy Scripture (Rev 22:18-19) KJV.
1. https://thekingsbible.com/Bible/23/34
2. https://www.facebook.com/KJBRC/videos/1614684775682255/
2a.. Creation Theory: Unicorns are Rhinos - YouTube
Chapter Nine: "Words/Evidence/Questions"
1. https://www.catholic.com/magazine/print-edition/magisterium
2. https://reformedreader.wordpress.com/2013/03/22/rome-sola-ecclesia-not-sola-scriptura/
2a. Scholars will use the argument of silence, but when there is evidence, they remain silent. Such is the case of the church father witnesses to disputed passages such as the PA in John 7:53-8:11. Ambrose of Milan 340-397 AD (Epistle 26): “The acquittal of the woman who, in the Gospel of John, was brought to Christ accused of adultery, is very famous.” (See also Ambrose's Epistle 74.) Jerome 342-347 AD (Against the Pelagians 2:17): "In the Gospel according to John, there is found, in many of the Greek, as well as the Latin copies, the story of the adulteress who was accused before the Lord.” (In smaller words: Jerome affirms specifically that the PA was in many Greek copies of the Gospel of John, and that the PA was in many Latin copies of the Gospel of John."
2b. Oxyrhynchus - New World Encyclopedia
2c. Sir. Frederic G. Kenyon (1863-1952)
2d. Handbook to the textual criticism of the New Testament : Kenyon, Frederic
2f. Wilbur Pickering on Kurt Aland's 'The Text of the Church'
2g. Seth, an Egyptian 'god of confusion' Oxyrhynchus was an ancient city dedicated to worship of the god Seth of where the majority of papyri originated.
2gg. https://kjvdebate.com/blog/f/the-modern-scholars-homemade-criteria-box
2h. James White on Problems with John 6:15 and 1 John 5:7-8 - YouTube
3. The NASB committee realized their blunder of omitting 'all men' in their NASB95 and put 'all people' back in their NASB20 due to TR, Byz, Sinaiticus, C, D, F, G, latt, sy, co, and P46 support. This is yet another example (among hundreds) of the inconsistencies in modern textual criticism.
4. https://youtu.be/hLv23TwmyE8
6. https://youtu.be/-fWbJH-LRSc?t=1837
7. https://www.laparola.net/greco/index.php
7a. The "Errors" in the King James Bible - Bible Baptist Bookstore (kjv1611.org)
7b. https://youtu.be/avG0piVeYiQ?si=wKKghY4sMSy2F0Po&t=1324
8. Alternative perspective offered here: https://byfaithweunderstand.com/2015/02/23/the-reading-level-of-the-kjv/ See also The Language of the KJV - KJV Today
8a. KJV Preface (blueletterbible.org)
8b. Is the (KJV) Too Hard to Understand?
9. https://youtu.be/zljgCcG0yXw with another analysis by Eclectic James Snapp: https://www.thetextofthegospels.com/2017/08/michael-brown-and-elephant-in-room.html
10. Another view here: intro to the Quartodeciman controversy in the early church: https://www.gci.org/articles/the-passover-easter-quartodeciman-controversy/
11. In depth information on Revelation 8:13: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fgZVs42r0YfTt9x5ZAhdMPm6CVtX2jknsEzmUX00mBw/edit?usp=sharing
12. https://www.amazon.com/Gods-Secretaries-Making-James-Bible/dp/0060838736
13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx5A9d52v94
13a. Billy Graham Sits Down With Johnny on Carson Tonight Show - 06/13/1973 - YouTube
13b. Ronald Reagan on the Authorized King James Bible - YouTube
14. KJB Textual Technology (kjvtextualtechnology.com)
Chapter Ten: "The Two Big Lies"
1. The Text and Canon Conference from 2019 with Pastor Truelove and Dr. Riddle contains valuable info on the proper theological, historical, evidential, and analytical approach to the issue of text and translation: https://www.textandtranslation.org/text-and-canon-conference-2019/
2. https://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/gtj/12-1_021.pdf
3. https://bible.org/article/majority-text-and-original-text-are-they-identical
3a. Dean John William Burgon - The Revision Revised p.283 online
4. https://christianpublishinghouse.co/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/the-origin-of-the-byzantine-text-the-new-perspective.pdf (p. 6-7). See also KJB Textual Technology (kjvtextualtechnology.com)
5. Another source here at.... https://www.google.com/books/edition/Pal%C3%A6oromaica_or_historical_and_philolog/dZNhAAAAcAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=erasmus+and+codex+vaticanus+%221439%22&pg=PA523&printsec=frontcover
6. Another view at https://confessionalbibliology.com/2016/05/16/erasmian-myths-codex-vaticanus/
7. https://purebibleforum.com/index.php?threads/ira-rabin-the-cancelled-tests-of-2015.717/
7a. Whites debate over the T.R. with Dr. Kleeck at 1:55:01.
8. Who is the vile one here... .https://www.google.com/books/edition/Life_and_Letters_of_Fenton_John_Anthony/Rxc3AAAAMAAJ?q=&gbpv=1&bsq=vile%20textus%20receptus#f=false
8a. Rebuttal to James Snapp's shorter ending theory at Matthew 25:13
9. Page 5 (and 567) with its source: https://byzantinetext.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/editions-rp-11-appendix.pdf
10. I John 5:7 debate with Old Latin/Italic Manuscript Evidence! THE SCHOLAR'S DON'T ADVERTISE THIS!
Chapter Eleven: "The Manuscript Vault"
a. David Martin: French Theologian: ‘The Genuineness of the Text of I John 5:7,' 1722, P. 157.
b. This chapter is a pioneered effort by the author not seen many titles. In evaluating the manuscript evidence, it is evident that text critical decisions are often made in advance according to ideology, presuppositions, and a bias against the Byz/TR text form. The inconsistencies in textual criticism are extensive with hundreds of examples.
1. https://www.amazon.com/Neither-Oldest-Best-David-Sorenson/dp/0971138494
2. Who is the Morning star Jesus or Satan? - Follow In Truth
3. When it comes to reconstructing ancient papyri such as p64 and others, it is obvious a lot of guess work and speculation is involved, and often times decisions are made as long as they contradict the KJV reading or the Byz/TR Greek text.
4. https://youtu.be/8zodZOHYwE0?si=EI-Wa4D1kJkhW_fD&t=4581
Chapter Twelve: "Golden Nuggets & Foreign Translations"
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe_ZzKym5X8
2. This video from the BBC shows how white and pristine the pages of Codex Sinaiticus look. The pages of my 40-year-old King James Bible look older than this fraudulent document. Watch and judge for yourselves if this is truly a 4th century (AD 350) document or not. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00dy1gc
2a. Westcott & Hort: their heresies and occult activities (sociedadrvg.com)
3. https://www.amazon.com/New-Age-Bible-Versions-Documentation/dp/0963584502/
4. https://www.valera1602.org/
4a. The Spanish Bible - Which one should I use?
4b. Is Gail Riplinger right about the RVG Spanish Bible?
5. https://www.amazon.com/Nouveau-Testament-King-James-Francaise/dp/1541100263
6. https://www.baptistboard.com/
6a. The Myth of Verbatim Identicality:
7. https://textusreceptusbibles.com/
7a. Thomas Ross vs James White KJV-LSB Debate Slides TR.pptx - Google Slides
7aa. The Difference Between Translation Vs Transliteration (tomedes.com)
7b. When whales were fish — Lateral Magazine
7c. The Text of the Gospels: Against KJV-Onlyism: Stop Usurping the Original Text James does not understand Bible maps relating to Antioch and mixes up being KJVO with T.R. only. The claim that the KJV can correct the Greek & the Hebrew does not refer to the originals (which are now forever dust in the wind), but rather the KJV has demonstrated correcting many Greek and Hebrew texts as seen in these 100 examples.
8. https://www.amazon.com/Revision-Revised-Dean-William-Burgon/dp/1888328010/
9. http://www.bible-researcher.com/wessex-gospels.html
10. Herman C. Hoskier (1864-1938)
Chapter Thirteen: "The Apologetic Dog and Pony Shows"
1. Today's apologetics is a far cry from how it used to be decades ago. https://www.amazon.com/Seduction-Christianity-Spiritual-Discernment-Last/dp/1928660843
2. It seems commonplace today for some of these apologetic shows to drink beer, smoke cigars, and do shots of whisky in their warmups before attacking the KJV Bible. See here at the 2:55 mark.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdZlXW9XaQI
2a. Postmillennialism and a Cigar with Jeff
3. Contact Dr. Ed for the specific episode of the arguments he made against the KJV. https://christiandefense.org/
4. KJV critics often times resort to the 'The Argument of Silence' fallacy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_silence
4a. Beza and Revelation 16:5 - KJV Today
4b. Commentary on the Apocalypse (dbpedia.org)
5. https://www.amazon.com/Revelation-16-Final-Triadic-Declaration/dp/1733331581
6. https://kjvdebate.com/blog/f/misc-sources-for-the-kjv-debate
Chapter Fourteen: "The Septuagint Fallacy"
1. Any true Christian who understands 'good doctrine' (Pro 4:2) will reject the heretical teachings in the Apocrypha books and know they are not inspired. https://www.blueletterbible.org/faq/don_stewart/don_stewart_395.cfm
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerhard_Kittel
3. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/002200947701200309
3a. Hazardous Materials : Free Download chapter 27
4. http://textus-receptus.com/wiki/Article:The_LXX_-_A_Model_of_Reverse_Engineering_by_Scott_Jones
5. https://penelope.uchicago.edu/josephus/ant-10.html
6. https://www.forgottenbooks.com/en/books/AnExpositionoftheEpistletotheHebrews_10051846
Final words on "The Septuagint Fallacy" coming from some old timers, preachers born in the late 20's to 40's. Before the 1960's (when the KJB was for the most part the only Bible around, as in KJV Only), and before most of the modern versions came to market, you would hardly ever hear anybody complaining about the fact that when the N.T. apostles were preaching, they did not quote the O.T. Scriptures verbatim, or exactly word for word. So what? It matters not. The Holy Ghost inspired the NT Apostles to quote from the OT and nowhere is there a rule (nor in scripture), that says it has to be verbatim, or word for word. The NT quotes enhance our learning, and it is the Holy Ghost that enhances Old Testament verses with New Testament verses. That is like saying Stephen should have quoted verbatim the 60 verses in Acts chapter 7 from the Old Testament. It's called preaching. Many of the NT writers were inspired and anointed to preach and teach from the Old Testament. Even when Jesus quoted or even read out of the Old Testament, such as in Isaiah or in Deuteronomy, sometimes He quoted verbatim, and sometimes He did not. So what? That's what preachers do; they preach and go all over the place, especially if they are anointed!
7. Jots & Tittles 16: White and Wilson on the LXX and "Inspired Editing" - YouTube
Chapter Fifteen: "The Oxford vs. Cambridge Fallacy"
1. In 1852 the American Bible Society wrote Committee on Versions to the Board of Managers. In 1858 a second report was written, Report of the Committee on Versions to the Board of Managers of the American Bible Society. This information can be found in Dr. Thomas Holland's book, 'Crowned with Glory: The Bible from Ancient Text to the Authorized Version', p. 101.
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wicked_Bible Printing errors (typos) did happen in the printings of the King James Bible. Throughout the history of Bible publishing there have been some rather humorous examples of printing errors. Here are a few of the printing errors that have occurred in various King James Bible editions.
The printer of the "Fool Bible" had to pay 3,000 pounds for this mistake in Psalm 14:1: "The fool hath said in his heart there is a God."
In 1637 there was "the Religious bible" so named because it read in Jeremiah 4:17 "Because she hath been RELIGIOUS (rebellious) against me, saith the LORD."
In 1653, there was a misprint in I Corinthians 6:9 that read, "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall inherit the kingdom of God" and one in Romans 6:13 that read, "Neither yield ye your members as instruments of righteousness unto sin." This Bible became known as "the Unrighteous Bible."
In 1716 an Irish edition contains a tiny but significant typo. In John 5:14 it read "sin on more" rather than "sin no more." No one noticed the error until 8000 copies had been printed.
In 1717, there was a misprint in a heading for the "parable of the vineyard," which called it the "Parable of the VINEGAR." This Bible was called "the Vinegar Bible." These printing errors were soon caught and corrected. (Will Kinney). Modern scholars and KJV Bible critics attempt to compare these funny printing errors to their own omissions and changes in modern Bibles such as changing "God" to a 'he,' a 'who,' or a 'he who' is he in I Tim 3:16 (KJV). There is a big difference in typos compared to TEXT changes, and we know it!
3. Mr. Rick Norris is drawn to the originals only Heresy' and you can learn more about his views at https://kjvdebate.com/blog/f/infomercial-the-bound-and-unfound-original-scriptures
4. While some KJB Bible believers hold to the Oxford vs. Cambridge fallacy thinking they are doing the Church a service, what they are unaware of is the fruits of this divisive teaching. It brings confusion to many believers in Christ and has many more concerned about finding the right and so-called only 'pure' KJV Bible rather than just going out and buying a KJV Bible. The Church is already confused on this issue, one does not need to throw fuel into the already burning fire (I Cor 14:33).
5. Westminster Theological Seminary - Westminster Confession (wts.edu)
Chapter Sixteen: "A Fair Warning"
1. As of the original publishing of this title in 2018, this prediction by the author (to the best of our knowledge) is unique worldwide and proclaimed by faith alone.
2. The 'Bride of Christ' will rule with Christ for 1000 years!
3. Scholars and Bible critics cannot comprehend the fact that God is quite able and powerful enough to inspire a translation such as the KJV, especially if that was what His plan was all along throughout the ages.
4. One of the reasons that some readers believe that this title takes an adversarial approach towards the reader is that not many titles about the KJV Bible look into and examine the words of the prophets and the warnings therein.
5. Not a single verse in the Bible points to any of the early church or the disciples in the 1st century traveling to Egypt and authoring the original manuscripts.
6. The KJVO debate and all things related to doctrine all comes down to faith and what you believe in. You either have faith in the science of textual criticism or you have faith in God's promises, His power, and in His divine providence. The same God that was able to inspire His Word is well able to also preserve it throughout all generations, even in a translation (Psa 12:6-7) KJV.
7. This author, in all due honesty and filled with compassion, got on his knees and wept in prayer before the Lord for Dr. James White and many others who attack the KJV Bible.
9. One common argument by Bible critics & scholars is in saying, "Where in the KJV Bible does it say that the KJV will be the only perfect and inspired translation."? Response: "Where in the O.T. does it specifically say that His name will be Jesus."? Better yet, perhaps critics should listen to the millions of living epistles worldwide who proclaim by the Spirit that "if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" (Isa 8:20; II Cor 3:1-18; I John 4:6) KJV. This is a fallacy called an 'argument of silence.' God is not spoken of one time in the book of Esther! Does this mean God does not exist or was not involved in working through Esther? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_silence
9a. The translators to the reader : preface to the King James version 1611 :
10. Has your faith been imparted and are you ready to receive this end-time prophetic message regarding God's Holy Word from the Lord? (Hab 2:1-4) KJV.
“The King James Bible is the Word of God. The greatest thing that any preacher could ever do for himself would be to quit worrying about it. Just use it. Quit trying to second-guess what it says. Quit throwing it aside every time a contradiction seems to appear. Moses approached the burning bush because it was a contradiction. It was clearly on fire, but it was not consumed. He didn’t walk away in frustration. Instead, he drew closer and found the depths of God. To the Bible student who has accepted the King James Bible, contradictions are an invitation. They are not evidence of a weak Bible. They are evidence of the student’s ignorance. Like the burning bush, the inexplicable draws us to take a closer look. While others run to lexicons and commentaries, the Bible believer prays and searches deeper. God reveals himself in those searches.” John M. Asquith, Further Thoughts on the Word of God, p.124
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